Tag Archives: eating off the floor

Human Tacos

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Human Tacos

Director: Arak Bernal
Producer: Mike Ruiz

Crypt TV:

We love scary stories, we believe scary stories unite us and the best ones make us a little more connected to each other. Crypt collaborates with storytellers around the world to bring the next generation of monster stories to life — for you, for free, everyday. Follow us @CryptTV everywhere and find your #MonsterWithin.

SUBSCRIBE to watch a daily, new short horror film every day from Crypt TV. Our scary movies will leave you shocked, disturbed and creeped out to your core. Crypt TV recently won a Webby for its film, “The Birch,” which has garnered 14 million views (and counting) on Facebook. Crypt TV was also honored as the digital keynote at the 2017 Tribeca Film Festival. Check back daily for more award-winning digital scares!

SB Thoughts:

:00 oo, kinky

:02 nice buttcrack

:10 lemme get that bandanna tho

:17 way more grossed out by eating off the floor

:23 oh NOW you notice the half a corpse

:35 “shutup, tacos”

1:01 this guy gets straight to the point.

1:20 “…tastes like this guy I once knew”

1:28 hahahah a fucking toe.

Lesson: Shoulda gave the lady some ears.

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars ✩✩✩